The idea is to create a journal for the performative arts, imagined as a sort of open-air studio. 

Thinking of orality as a tool: an act of declaration which both informs and transforms the reality of practice and/or prolongs the creative act. Thinking of the act of speaking as a learning process which allows previously unknown elements to come out, elements which may not have been visible in the practice before this work on the use of words. Leaving behind communication words to focus on the conceptualization of work or work process. 

watt proposes approaching work using three different forms: interviews discussing an artist’s work, one artist speaking to another artist (Within). A carte blanche extending over several pages (White Page), which allow an artist to visualize the fabrication of his or her tools. And a reflective article (What More).

This journal, resolutely focusing on Europe, will offer, twice yearly, a subjective overview of the European scene.

If you wish to support the review watt for its first issue, please click here.

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